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Eco-Tourism and Permaculture Internship (Pacific Coast Ecuador)

Learn New Skills by Taking Part in an Ecotourism Internship on a Sustainable Permaculture Farm.
Do you have a passion for the tourist industry? Are you interested in and excited by new sustainable ways of living and of producing food? Do you want to help open up the world to visitors in ways which work with nature, rather than against it? Then why not join us for a long-term internship in ecotourism on a sustainable farm, which offers professionally recognized qualifications and training in tourism and permaculture. You are sure to gain and develop a wealth of new skills, meet a wide variety of people, improve your Spanish, and learn much about this growing section of the tourist industry. We’re awaiting your application!

Art Exhibit

Intern Responsibilities

  • Acting as an interpretive guide for the visitors.

  • Acting as the ‘farm host’ and therefore being attentive and helpful to all visitors and volunteers.

  • Maintaining a record and memory of all the arrivals and departures of tourists, visitors and volunteers on the farm.

  • Booking tours and providing tourist information.

  • Organizing the volunteers’ and tourists’ activities.

  • Selling merchandise, including fair trade goods.

  • Helping maintain the public area.

  • Social networking.

  • Revising, writing and translating promotional documents and information.


In order to successfully carry out these responsibilities, the intern will need acquire thorough knowledge of all the tours sold on the farm, relevant information for tourists (e.g. bus timetables and travel information, places of interest, etc.), the geography and history of the area, and a working knowledge of the farm and its people, plants, and processes. You will also have the opportunity to take part in professional permaculture training (one week minimum).


The exact tasks you will be asked to carry out will depend on the current needs and priorities of the project as determined by the farm manager and Volungo Abroad management. The tasks stated here are therefore examples of some of the possible types of activities you will be asked to do.


Work Hours
During the internship, you will join the volunteers on the farm with feeding the animals before breakfast, from around 6.15am-7am (NB: if you are asked to attend to visiting groups during the evening, you don’t have to do the animal feeding). You will work during the mornings from 8.30-12, and then again after lunch, from 1.30pm-4pm. Weekend work is rotated between you, permanent staff and the second intern (if there is one), so be prepared to work at least one weekend a month in exchange for the corresponding number of weekdays free. Also, please be aware that these work hours are approximate, and you may be called upon to work slightly longer days at times, situation dependent. Evenings are free to do with as you wish. Wednesday afternoons are always cultural afternoons, where you can join in with a number of activities, or just enjoy just free time.



Internship Dates


Dates can vary; let us know when you are available!



Depending on availability. Ask us for more information and current prices. 


Included Services


  • Accommodation.

  • All meals on the farm.

  • Pickup from nearest town.

  • Pre-arrival welcome pack.

  • Welcome dinner.

  • FREE 20 hour intensive Spanish course*.

  • Training in permaculture, sustainable agriculture, and ecotourism.

  • 24 hour support.

  • *(when participating 3 months+) 

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